
~~~~~~~~!~ Upcoming Series ~!~~~~~~~~



Foundations of Faith is a series of six presentations that tackle difficult and sometimes uncomfortable questions about God. Some of the topics we will cover in this series are:


- Can the Bible be trusted?

- Is it a reliable document?

- Are there inconsistencies with the

     Gospel accounts?

- Did Jesus actually raise from the


- What about an eternally burning

    hell and a loving God?

- Is Christianity a blind faith?

- Is Jesus the same God as the Old

     Testament God?

- Can the Trinity be explained


- Is God a murderer in the flood  

    account and the Exodus account?

- Were the handwritten laws of 

     Moses extreme and unethical?

- Is God angry and condemning?


Too often, we Christian’s steer clear from these uncomfortable or confusing topics because we do not know how to answer them. These questions and others like them can seem disturbing and perhaps even threatening. Few Christians can explain where the Bible came from or provide enough evidence to validate its credibility. When asked about the doctrine of the Trinity, the answer is usually somewhere along the lines that “It is beyond our understanding; we just have to accept it by faith.” Or, when Christian’s are confronted with the accusations that God is a murder and a racists, few have a depth of Scriptural understanding to be able to tackle the presumed problem.

To some, the Christian faith has been thought of as a faith for those less educated and the naive. Is Christianity a blind faith? Some say it is. The word “blind” in this instance would be claiming that the Christian faith is based on ignorance and foolishness. Or that it is irrational, a hoax, a fraud, and/or a purely emotional experience. Are they right? Even some Christians say, “All you have to do is believe; you do not have to understand.” But is that true?

Take note of the Bible texts below:

But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15; AMP

The Bible tells us to give a logical defense to anyone who asks us about the hope and assurance of salvation that is within us. How can we give a logical defense if our faith is based on ignorance and foolishness? Clearly we are instructed to have an intelligent faith. In fact, we can be confident that our faith is established on historical and scientific reality.

For most of us, it is sufficient to have a simple and plain explanation to each of the questions above. While others may be encouraged to obtain a great wealth of understanding based on rigorous study and examination of the topics. Not all Christians are called to be theologians and scholars and professors. However, all Christian’s have a responsibility to understand the foundations of their faith and be able to give a logical defense to anyone who asks.

These are the questions being asked in our society today. God is not afraid of these questions. He encourages people to come to Him and ask. “‘Come, let us reason together.’ Says the LORD...” (Isaiah 1:18). Most commonly, these questions are based on a lack of Scriptural study and spiritual discernment, as well as a misconception of the character of God. In 1 Peter 3:15 (that we read in the beginning) we are told to provide answers “with gentleness and respect.” In other words, as Christian’s we have been called to accurately and honestly portray the character of God. We “...have been give the ministry of reconciliation...” “We are ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19). Once the character of God is restored, people are more willing to take a step of faith.

So, are you ready for the evidence? If you are a Christian, this study series will equip you with the documentation and confirmation of your faith so that you can give an intelligent answer to anyone who asks. If you are not a Christian, but you are seeking for evidence and proof to your many questions about God, the Bible, and Jesus, then this is the series for you.

Each lesson in this study builds from the one before it.

For the best, most enriching experience, please plan to come to every lesson study.

Come and study with us!

Foundations of Faith by author Wendy Armfield ~ Coming Soon! 


© 2025 Foundations of Faith by Wendy Armfield

All rights reserved.

This Bible study or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in

any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



To learn more about Wendy and her book click here.


Past Bible study series:


This study ran from January 12-March 9.